Saturday, January 14, 2012

We made our own Taco Seasoning! I've been wanting to do this for a while, and always look for the "low sodium" packet at the store, but I knew I already had the ingredients, I just needed to know the right measurements to put together. Measuring?? That's right up Adrian's ally.

Please ignore the one legged, pants down fireman. He's having issues.
We used this Taco Seasoning Recipe  and bought most of the ingredients on the Hispanic foods aisle for 79 to 99 cents a package. 

It made plenty! We use this mix for many favorite recipes other than just tacos, so it's nice knowing I have it on hand. Plus, Adri had a good time measuring the ingredients and then stirring it up. I didn't let him do the Chili Powder, though.
    Here's what Sawyer did while Adrian helped:

I've noticed that this is the way he likes to sit in his high chair:

always with his ankles crossed. Such a polite sitter. Although...sometimes those chubby little legs are kick kicking manically while the upper half of his body flails around, hands banging on the tray while I fumble around with his sippy cup/cracker box/cheese stick/ banana peel/ fillet Mignon.  He's all business when it comes to "nacks"(  what he calls any meal.)

   Unfortunately, Adrian has a fever and body aches this morning, so Ninja Turtles on repeat may be the highlight of our weekend. Oh! And I get the laundry, of course.

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